17. April 2011

Night ...

Night out with the best girl in the world. starting up in our little hometown. Feeling totally over-dressed but good. Eating some fast-food. Driving in the bigger city where the party get started. drinking a coffee before, checking make-up last time and changing shoes. Going straight to the club and meeting the dj and everyone else. Going in and starting to party. Dance some hours, leaving the club. Feeling happy and free in the big city. 
Night out with the best guys. Sitting at the river. Having a fire burning. Got music with us and some bears. Started at a warm evening after a hot day and know sitting outside in a nice night. Talking about the really important things. Like life and death. Like love and hate. Like be or not to be. Going home right before the morning drops. Falling a sleep in the right bed feeling totally full of luck.
Love, Nono.

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